Tue, Sep 27
|CBN Live Broadcast
CBN Live Interview - 700 Club
Jason Umidi (a pastor's son) shares his story of 5 back surgeries that led to 25 years of addiction to opioids and fentanyl washed down with alcohol. And how Jesus has restored him since he went to detox on Jan 10, 2017. Watch the full interview below: www1.cbn.com/video/SUV187_JasonUmidi_092722/a
Sep 27, 2022, 9:00 AM
CBN Live Broadcast
Watch this exclusive interview, live on CBN, where Jason Umidi joins the 700 Club to share his story.Â
5 back surgeries led to 25 years of addiction to opioids and fentanyl washed down with alcohol. Jason walks us through how Jesus has restored him since he started his detox on Jan 10, 2017.
Jason continues to share stories and meditations on sobriety and recovery known as 'One Minute Reads', as well as walking through individuals in one-on-on recovery coaching sessions.Â
His newly launched book, 'Jesus + Seltzer: Stories and Meditations on Sobriety and Recovery' is a curated collection of his One Minute Reads.
Watch it live on the CBN network, or visit the 700 Club page on the CBN website to stream the interview from your desktop.