Wed, Jan 18
|Christian Talk That Rocks
Mornings On Main - LIVE Interview
Jason shares his stories and meditations on sobriety and recovery in his book, 'Jesus and Seltzer'. Listen to this exclusive interview, live on Mornings On Main, where Jason Umidi joins the Dan Manley to share his story. https://www.wnri.com/wnri_034.htm
Jan 18, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM EST
Christian Talk That Rocks
, live on , where joins the Dan Manley to share his story. Listen to this exclusive interviewMornings On MainJason Umidi
Jason continues to share stories and meditations on sobriety and recovery known as 'One Minute Reads', as well as walking through individuals in one-on-on recovery coaching sessions.
His newly launched book, is a curated collection of his One Minute Reads.'Jesus + Seltzer: Stories and Meditations on Sobriety and Recovery'
Listen to it live on .Mornings On Main