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Jason Umidi
Oct 27, 2023
The quieter we become, the more we hear - Unknown
The discipline of resting in the moment without distractions has been at times difficult to say the least. But I find that within this...
Jason Umidi
Oct 26, 2023
We are only as sick as the secrets we keep - Anonymous
Secrets... My experience during the drinking years was that my feelings of shame for making poor life decisions combined with the hidden...
Jason Umidi
Oct 25, 2023
No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet & dear to his heart the morning can be
What I like about this quote is its relief for the morning. How great is it that we can start anew every day? Isn’t that the promise of...
Jason Umidi
Oct 24, 2023
Lost dreams awaken and new possibilities arise. Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text, p.91
So good today as I reflect on my sober journey and the opportunities that life has brought my way. But to be perfectly honest, I had lost...
Jason Umidi
Oct 22, 2023
Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, doesn’t mean they are lost forever
So good for me today as I reflect on my humanity. Having overcome addictions to alcohol & opioids back on 1/10/17, I can still find...
Jason Umidi
Oct 21, 2023
My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together - Desmond Tutu
Togetherness & Community! Beautiful aspects of my Christian faith but how many of us can really commit to these ideals? Prior to finding...
Jason Umidi
Oct 20, 2023
Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product - Eleanor Roosevelt
Prior to finding lasting sobriety on 1/10/17, I wasn’t experiencing happiness in my life. In fact, I had lost all hope that my spirit...
Jason Umidi
Oct 19, 2023
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet
To those who struggle with addictions, I’m here to encourage you that your time from freedom is now! That restoration and redemption is...
Jason Umidi
Oct 18, 2023
I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I only know what I can do -Captain Kirk, Star Trek Into Dark
I’ve been sitting with this quote for a few weeks but I’m just now able to articulate my experience. As a person of faith, I admit that I...
Jason Umidi
Oct 17, 2023
We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves
So good! But during the drinking and using years I wasn’t in touch with my authentic self. The void in my spirit left me hungry for more,...
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