Good morning. It's 5am this beautiful, winter's morning in Vancover, British Columbia. During this quiet moment of solitude, I'm reflecting on 7 years of my sobriety - 7 years of accomplishment and beauty, mixed with the tolls of what addiction can have on you and those around you.
The wreckage of my past no longer haunts me. Lasting sobriety has brought me hope - hope that there is a plan for my life.
My sobriety is not the only reason for my reflection today and for the celebration.
If you've read my book, Jesus and Seltzer, you know that my sober lifestyle is intertwined with my spiritual journey. It boils down to this - my sobriety and my life in general is all meaningless without Jesus being the center of my life.
I understand that not all of you have a personal relationship with Jesus. But I just want to tell you this morning, that right now, as you are - Jesus loves you. You were made in the image of God. There is dignity and value in who you are, and The Creator loves you.
Come all ye who are weary and burden and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28
There's a simple and honest prayer, and it goes like this:
Lord, I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness. Come into my life this morning. Be Lord over my life and walk with me.
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I want to know about you and your story. So send me a message, comment on this post or email me. Respond to this. Let me know who you are and how I can pray for you. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for letting me share.
Jason Umidi